Creative Nano participated in the 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry that took place on 5-9 September 2022 in Zappeion Hall, Athens.Our oral presentation was about “Electroless plating on 3D printed photocurable resin artifacts without the use of chromium and palladium solutions”. This work is part of the 3DPlate project under the call RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE. Read more…
Creative Nano and BAYFOR had a meeting on 5-6th of September in Munich, Germany. During the meeting, the 3DPlate technology developed in Cnano’s laboratories was presented to Bavarian’s stakeholders. The meeting had the target to promote a greener plating on plastics process to the metal surface finishing industry.
The 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry is organized by the Association of Greek Chemists(AGC) in collaboration with the IUPAC Interdivisional Committee on Green Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICGCSD). The main aim of the IUPAC International Conference series on Green Chemistry (ICGC) is to bring together all relevant stakeholders from academia, research, industry, NGOs, policy Read more…
Creative Nano participated in the 13th Panhellenic Scientific Conference on Chemical Engineering (PESXM13) that took place on 📅 2-4 June 2022 in Patras, Greece.One of our oral presentations was about “Cr- and Pd-free electroless plating on 3D printed photocurable resin parts”. This work is part of the 3DPlate project under Read more…
Today we are even closer to our goals! We just received our new Elcometer 510 Automatic Pull-Off Adhesion Tester which accurately measures the strength of the bond between the coating and the substrate in order to evaluate the quality of the coating. As you can see in the picture below, Read more…
AIMPLAS is developing the VETERIA21 Project as part of a collaboration agreement between the Valencian Regional Government’s Ministry of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society and AIMPLAS to provide funding through grants for technology centers to carry out innovation projects in 2021 in collaboration with companies within the framework of smart Read more…
Avient Corporation has introduced new Gravi-Tech density-modified thermoplastics that enable advanced metal plating surface treatments to deliver both the look and feel of metal in premium packaging applications. To read the full article follow the link below:
The efforts of the conference will focus on the promotion of the interdisciplinary fields of Chemical Engineering, as well as the current trends with the latest developments and research in the field of biochemical engineering, biomedical engineering, nanotechnology, electrochemistry, applied chemistry, and nanoparticles synthesis. For more information check the official Read more…
Derek Vanek, technical manager at SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts (ASC) looks at why the aerospace market warrants a wider appreciation of selective plating. For more information follow the link below:
Elbit Systems, a $4.7 billion company, and SWISSto12, a leading provider of 3D printed products for radio frequency (RF) applications in the aerospace and defense industries, announced a long-term cooperation agreement. The long-term agreement calls for the development and production of 3D-printed RF antennas and subsystems for Elbit Systems’ Naval Read more…